Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What a couple of exciting weeks ahead!

So, I'm at home right now, waiting for the paint on my sign to dry for Friday. And what, may you ask, is this sign for? I GET TO SEE NICK COLLISON AND KIRK HINRICH PLAY IN SEATTLE ON FRIDAY!!!!! Can you tell that I'm excited? And maybe, just maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get to chat with them quickly after the game, get an autograph, maybe even a picture. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Raoul got me tickets to the game for my birthday, and we're 16 rows up from the bottom. . .great seats! We're going to stay in Seattle for the weekend, so much fun will be had, and we're staying downtown so we won't have to use the bus to commute into the city. Hopefully the weather will be good and the pass will be clear so we can get there in time for the game.

In other news, next week is Thanksgiving! I got to talk with most of my family over the last week because of my birthday, but I'm really excited to get to see them again. I was doing pretty well. . .missing them of course, but overall having a blast. . .until we saw "Elizabethtown" this weekend. In the movie Orlando is driving down US 50 and there is a sign for Wichita, KS. . . kind of made me homesick. Plus I've heard I have a sister who is eager to have me home (and I am eager to see her as well). Over the break I will have plenty of time to spend with family, eat lots of good food, catch a KU football game, and eat barbeque! It will be a fantastic trip, and I am excited for it. Plus, I've really been missing the barbeque and there is no Sonic here. My sis and I will be stopping by Sonic on the way home from KC so I can get my cherry limeade fix.

Things are continuing to kick right along here in the valley. Work keeps me busy, but when you love what you do it's well worth it. I'm also loving having Raoul so close by. We get to see each other much more than we did in KC/Lawrence. Plus it doesn't hurt to have Seattle so close. . .it makes for a fun weekend.

Hope all is well, and I'll divulge all the details about my weekend when I return!


Anonymous said...

Watch out for the belching fish...Tulsa

Raoul The Destroyer said...

Belching... fish... ?

Anonymous said...

He means at the Pike Street Market. Raoul, remember the fish that came at you?

Anonymous said...

S, hope you had a blast! Thanks for the bling-bling chica :-). Peace! -B