Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gilmore Girls Episode 5

So, it's time again for a Gilmore Girls update. I must admit that I think this was my favorite episode so far this season. Here's why--I am a fan of Loreli and Christopher, so I love the fact that they got into a fight and resolved it like mature adults (with their own flare of course). Loreli's right, Christopher can't just send Gigi over to Sherri--he really can't trust her based on a single letter. He was mature enough to think over what Loreli said, and Loreli wants to support him in this decision. What a breath of fresh air to have Loreli's guy want to involve her in his child's life!

The Emily DUI storyline was absolute genious. She is the character that we all love to hate, yet somewhere inside of her she has a soft center--making her even more lovable.

Logan really hooked me in during this episode. It was really sweet of him to suprise Rory on his business trip. It's also really great to see him becoming more responsible, enjoying his job, but still not becoming a fuddy duddy like his dad. I'm getting a big red flag, though. The whole Bobbie thing is going to cause some problems. Rory is obviously jealous, and I'm afraid that she is going to do something really stupid and ruin the great thing that her relationship with Logan has become. I truly believe that he is genuinely in love with her and wouldn't do anything to jeapardize that. Rory, though, I think is not as trusting. . .

As for me, things continue kicking along. I got a fabulous early birthday present this weekend from Raoul--a pink Ipod nano! I'm uploading all of my CDs into Itunes as we speak, so I can actually have some variety to listen to during my workouts. We had a retreat for work this weekend and got a lot of things discussed and learned some new things to help out with treating people more effectively in the clinic. We have an exciting weekend coming up with a visit to Seattle to see Matt & Emily and get started on our wedding registry! Look for another update after we return.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Gilmore Girls Episodes 3 & 4

So, things have been extremely hectic lately, so I haven't had the chance to post updates. I have been keeping up with GG though. The 3rd episode didn't really do much for me. I felt like much didn't really happen, although the writing did seem to get a little bit better. So, I am one of those few who thinks that Christopher and Loreli should end up together, but episode 4 is making me a little wary. Chris is a great guy and is treating Loreli like a princess, but the way they are writing the relationship is a little weird. It just feels perfect, yet disconnected, like I can see them having the two of them split in a few episodes. Plus, everyone is acting all paranoid about him being the rebound guy. Understand the worry behind getting too serious too soon, but why does everyone treat Loreli like a little kid? I'd really love to see her come into her own and not need someone else to tell her what to do. Anyways, I don't have much to comment about it, just waiting to see what happens.

I have been keeping up with Project Runway, so the big finale was last night. It was kind of disapointing that Jeffrey won. Throughout the show I have been a fan of Michael Knight, but honestly in the runway show I thought his collection was kind of trashy. Uli's collection, however, really impressed me. I really think she should have won the competition just based on the runway show. Any other Runway fans out there who have thoughts?

Things here are still really busy. We lost our PTA last week, which has its good and bad points. Good because she wasn't a good fit with the rest of us and bad because we're stuck short-handed again. Volleyball is going OK, but it's kind of tough because my team has a tough time taking the game seriously. I mean, I'm all about having fun, but I really like to play well and win occasionally. . .that's definitely not happening. Plus, since we can't get a pass up, there's no chance of setting it up for a spike, which is my favorite part of the game.

On a good note, though, I went to Spokane next weekend and found "the dress". It took trips to 6 stores to finally find a store with a helpful service staff and a gorgeous dress. So, now the quest is to find it in KC to present to my mom before ordering it back here. So keep your fingers crossed so we can find it.

That's about it. . .feel free to comment away!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gilmore Girls: Episode Two

So, it's Gilmore night again, and I must say that tonight was better than last week. The banter was better, much better actually, but there still seems to be something missing. And what was up with the repeated references to Gwenyth Paltrow?

First, new stuff that popped up on the show. Lane is pregnant! Crazy, especially since that's how her mom had her (getting pregnant after having sex on her wedding night). I think it will make a really good story line with Lane really growing up. She will be a great mom! The big question, though, is what will happen to Hep Alien?

Then, Kirk's makeshift diner. So, usually Kirk just makes me go "what the heck?" but tonight he actually made me angry. What is he thinking setting up a diner in front of Luke's? And, he was downright rude to Luke, which was uncalled for. Will he actually sue Luke--he really must be crazy!

Another uncalled for item: Luke hunting down and punching Christopher. What in the world makes him think that's OK? Now I understand that he's upset and I'm not justifying Loreli's choice to sleep with Christopher, but she did break off the engagement. He no longer has the right to be upset about what she does with her life. End of story. And really, I understand he's upset, but he was really the first one to make the move away from getting married when he put April out of their lives, and put her in front of Loreli. Then, was Loreli basically just makes it final, gives him the choice, he stumbles. Her decision then is that she's had enough--and I really don't blame her. It doesn't matter if we think he should get a second chance, she made that decision, and I think people need to respect that. Instead, Luke turns around and acts like a two year old because he's too insecure to admit he's hurting over the break-up. That's really making me not like him much right now. At the end of the show he begins to redeem himself, but I think he's right. They just weren't right for each other, even though it did seem like it when they first started dating. Other parts of their lives got in the way.

My prediction? Loreli and Christopher will begin a relationship after he tells her that he's really serious about her and loves her. Part of the reason I think they haven't gotten together before now is because they have needed to grow up, and go through some things to bring them to where they are now. One reason that I think Loreli was so excited about Luke was that he was so far removed from her parents and their way of life. She has lived her life so determined to not be like them, that it has influenced a lot of her life decisions. Now I think she's kind of afraid of being with Christopher because he is kind of a part of that life, though he's not at all like her parents. She needs to come to accept that she doesn't have to be a polar opposite of her parents' way of life to establish herself as an individual. This whole idea has begun to be explored by the Logan/Rory storyline, that entering into that world of wealth does not necessarily mean that you have to become a superficial stuck-up snob. Not that Logan didn't have his own childish spoiled rich kid ways, but I think he's beginning to grow up as well. Also, I know that Rory is upset about him purchasing a ticket for her to visit at Christmas, but after thinking about it, that means that he's committed to remaining faithful to her for the long haul. And, maybe he'll pop the question in Europe? Hey, maybe the show will end with a double wedding? :)
