Sunday, June 01, 2008

Summer is coming!

Since my last post, things have been moving along quickly. After our longest stretch of the year without a day off, Memorial Day weekend couldn't have come soon enough! Raoul's family arrived just as I was finishing another 12 day work "week", which is always an interesting time since by then I am pretty much unable to form complete sentences. :) We had a nice relaxing weekend, though, and we discovered that the new steak house in town is actually really good. They got to meet Nelson, and I'm proud to say that he was very well-behaved for the entire weekend! Finally with some time off it was nice to be able to take him on a walk down by the river. He made some progress with wading into the water, so maybe he'll be willing to try swimming this summer.

We've also got together with our "valley" friends a couple of times because, sadly, one of them is moving to Oregon this weekend to start a new job. It's a great opportunity for him to work on a wildlife refuge, plus we all eventually look forward to when we get to move on to greener pastures than the valley, but all the same it is sad to see Nate leave. We got to take Nelson over to Nate and Shannon's place and let him play with three other dogs. He's so short that he gets trampled quite a bit, but he's learned to use the bigger dogs as barriers when he's playing "catch me if you can" with other bigger dogs :)

Now I'm sitting in Matt and Erika's living room in San Diego, enjoying good company and a beautiful city, real Mexican food, and beaches. More to come on our little mini-vacation!