Tuesday, October 09, 2007

So Many Reasons to Love Fall!

I've had so many good intentions of posting after my trip to Seattle over Labor Day and showing pix from the event. However, I seem to have misplace the connecting cord that hooks my camera into my computer, making it difficult to upload photos. So, you'll have to put up with a verbal update and use your imagination until I find the cord lurking in my office somewhere.

Labor Day was definitely a fun time for all. Three of my PT classmates and a another friend (who also happens to be a PT) met up with me in Seattle for a mini-reunion. We stayed downtown and did all the "Seattle" things for a day. We stopped by REI where I finally purchased a good set of hiking boots so that next time I go hiking I won't come back looking like I was attacked by an evil tree monster from the knee down. Then we took a ferry to Bremerton for the Blackberry Festival and drove on to Bainbridge Island for a short stop. We did a lot of fun things, but hanging with the girls would have been fun pretty much anywhere--I miss them a lot being so far away. Plus, it was a great opportunity for me to tempt them all to move to Seattle. Trina and I had a laugh, though, because it would be quite sad if I convinced all these people to move there and then Raoul and I ended up somewhere in Alabama or something. :( I got to meet up with Matt, Emily, and Raoul then for part of a day before we had to head back. It just seems like there is never enough time to spend with people, but we try to make the best of it.

September has been pretty busy. I worked one weekend, and then the next Raoul and I went to Spokane for the weekend so I could attend a continuing education course. We also got to see a good friend of mine that is starting PT school in Spokane this fall and has since moved up there. I've been working on my DPT class, which has been extremely difficult to be motivated to get done. There's just something about working all week and then just wanting to crash on the weekends, not really getting excited to write 5 page papers every 3 weeks. I just keep telling myself, after this one there's only 3 classes to go and then I will be officially done with school FOREVER!!!!! Raoul and I have started helping out with the high school Sunday School class again and will be teaching a comparative religion set of lessons beginning this winter. I've gone to a few of the high school volleyball games--I definitely miss playing--and tried to get on a city league team, but no one wanted to add me to their roster and I didn't know anyone who was playing on a team. Hopefully, I can find something next year. . .

This weekend was a pretty positive one on the whole. It started with me dragging myself out of bed to watch KU and KSU play football. We had already made plans to meet up with friends for Oktoberfest in Lewiston, so I knew I wouldn't be able to watch the whole game. Thankfully Trina texted me about every 5 minutes with updates and them called me so I could have someone else to temporarily freak out with after we won. Gosh, I might have to actually learn about football now that there is a team that's worth watching! Oktoberfest was fun. The Homebrewers Association brought together several of their brews and we got to partake of some good beer and eat brautwursts while listening to a polka band play. Mostly it was just cool to meet other late '20 early '30 somethings since young people are kind of a rarity around here.

Raoul and I are honestly looking forward to just settling into a routine so we aren't running around like crazy like we did this summer. We'll be home for the most part until Christmas. I'm slated to work Thanksgiving Thursday-Sunday so we'll be here. I did get one day off for Christmas, but it's going to be cutting it close to see both Raoul and my families and fly there and back in only 5 days. Someday I'll have more vacation time again!