Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gilmore Girls Episode 5

So, it's time again for a Gilmore Girls update. I must admit that I think this was my favorite episode so far this season. Here's why--I am a fan of Loreli and Christopher, so I love the fact that they got into a fight and resolved it like mature adults (with their own flare of course). Loreli's right, Christopher can't just send Gigi over to Sherri--he really can't trust her based on a single letter. He was mature enough to think over what Loreli said, and Loreli wants to support him in this decision. What a breath of fresh air to have Loreli's guy want to involve her in his child's life!

The Emily DUI storyline was absolute genious. She is the character that we all love to hate, yet somewhere inside of her she has a soft center--making her even more lovable.

Logan really hooked me in during this episode. It was really sweet of him to suprise Rory on his business trip. It's also really great to see him becoming more responsible, enjoying his job, but still not becoming a fuddy duddy like his dad. I'm getting a big red flag, though. The whole Bobbie thing is going to cause some problems. Rory is obviously jealous, and I'm afraid that she is going to do something really stupid and ruin the great thing that her relationship with Logan has become. I truly believe that he is genuinely in love with her and wouldn't do anything to jeapardize that. Rory, though, I think is not as trusting. . .

As for me, things continue kicking along. I got a fabulous early birthday present this weekend from Raoul--a pink Ipod nano! I'm uploading all of my CDs into Itunes as we speak, so I can actually have some variety to listen to during my workouts. We had a retreat for work this weekend and got a lot of things discussed and learned some new things to help out with treating people more effectively in the clinic. We have an exciting weekend coming up with a visit to Seattle to see Matt & Emily and get started on our wedding registry! Look for another update after we return.


hombre guapo said...

Thanks for the updates! My parents will have to send me this season on DVD this summer to get the real thing.

I am glad things are going well for you otherwise. You got a nano Ipod ----Whoop! Whoop! Holla!

hombre guapo said...

Thanks for the updates! My parents will have to send me this season on DVD this summer to get the real thing.

I am glad things are going well for you otherwise. You got a nano Ipod ----Whoop! Whoop! Holla!

Anonymous said...

O.K. Youv'e done it.
Raouls' mom bought an IKEA chair
if thats' how it's spelled....R's D

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everything you said about GG. Favorite episode of the season. I was starting to get a little worried, but now I'm excited to see how it all plays out. What are they going to do with Luke this season??
See you this weekend!