Sunday, May 21, 2006

7 1/2 days and counting. . .

Yes, I am still counting, but not much further to go until vacation time! To recap the last couple of weeks: Raoul's parents came up to see us, and we all had a blast. We took a trip to Walla Walla, WA to check out some of the wineries, and they also got to come see where I spend the majority of my days and the cool people I spend them with (a.k.a. work). I definitely think, though, that I ate WAY too much while they were here. . .need to hit the gym overtime for a few weeks :)

Last week at work actually eased off a bit. . .Yippee! I worked this weekend, so I will be able to save up some extra cash for all our summer trips. And speaking of summer trips, Raoul and I are getting ready to head to Portland, OR on Friday for the weekend. I'm looking forward to a much needed weekend away for some retail therapy, get a glimpse of civilization, and see some awesome sights (waterfalls, rose gardens, Mount Hood). Then we're back in Lewiston on Monday evening to get ready for my sister and her boyfriend to arrive on Wednesday evening for the marathon week with my family (with a relay handoff from my sister to my parents in between). A lot coming up. . .definitely motivation to keep my apartment clean.

We had a crazy storm this week. On Friday, we had thunder/lightening/rain after 3 nearly unbearable days of 95 degree heat. It helped cool things off, but the river looks pretty bad littered with a lot of tree branches/trunks. The bridge actually shut down for awhile when a car stalled in a puddle. One telephone near one of my co-worker's homes was split in two. We also had the electricity go out at the clinic 3 times Friday afternoon, so I did a lot of stretching in the dark, and not many modalities were performed that day. I figure that lightening storms and electrical stimulation machines don't really mix that well. Rain has been on and off since then, with a pretty fabulous rainbow today.

Bugsy has turned me on to reading again, so I started "In Cold Blood" after we saw Capote a couple of weeks ago. I ordered a few more books online, and borrowed a couple of others, so hopefully I'll be more well-read after all the traveling I'm doing this summer. I'll comment on them as I go as Bugsy has taken to doing on her blog.

Have a great Memorial Day everyone!!!

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