Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I don't know why it always seems to be such a long time between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. By the beginning of November I'm starting to get a bit homesick, and I definitely need a break from the everyday run-around. So, I'm so thankful that tomorrow we'll be heading to Spokane and flying out early on Thursday for the Mattson family Thanksgiving in KC!! It's going to be a great trip. . .family, friends, KU basketball, KU football. . .what more could I ask for? Actually, as sad as it is, Raoul and I are really going to miss our little furball while we're gone. He'll be staying at the kennel and will have to celebrate his 1 year birthday on his own (Thanksgiving Day). It's a good thing he's a dog and not a child so he will not remember that we were gone on his birthday and be traumatized for the rest of his life, blaming us for instilling a sense of abandonment in him. I love dogs but honestly had no idea how attached we'd get until Nelson came along. He really is our furry little child. :)

So, Happy Thanksgiving to all! And, Happy Birthday Nelson!!

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