Sunday, December 04, 2005

What a weekend. . .

So, it's been a nutty weekend, but first. . .my Thanksgiving! I had a blast with my family and it was good to talk to them and see them at the same time! We ate lots of yummy food. . .way too much yummy food! The five of us went to Lawrence on Saturday and met Trina to see the KU vs. ISU football game. What a game! It was way great to see the boys play well and win against a good team. I picked up some great KU gear at the bookstore and then it was off to KC. My mom and I went shopping for a new dress for me to wear to our office party and came away successful! We got to eat at Jacks Stacks Fiorella BBQ. . .YUMMY! Then we walked down by the plaza to look at the pretty lights. The next day we ate a a good Mexican restaurant (which I haven't had in months!) and then my whirlwind trip home was over.

Now onto this weekend. So, I took my car into the Ford dealer on Friday to get my oil changed and transmission serviced. Serviced not flushed. I came back and they had indeed flushed my transmission and charged me $275 for the whole deal. That's $150 more than I was anticipating. On top of this, they told me my break fluid was 50% low, I needed new brake pads, my brakes flushed, and new tires. So, I promptly left, intending to call the managment on Monday about my overcharged bill, and had my car looked at somewhere else. They said that my brake fluid was full, my brake pads had at least 6 months left before needing to be changed, and my tires were fine. Now I'm really pretty steamed at the dealer and I will be talking with them on Monday because that is ridiculous that they would take advantage of someone like that.

Then it was on to my apartment. . .to find it completely flooded. I had a picture hanging above my toilet in my bathroom and it had fallen and broken the PVC pipe going into the toilet. Water pretty much went everywhere and got through almost all of my carpet. Thankfully my electronics are OK, my Christmas tree survived, and I only had water damage to a few books I think. I'll have blowers in my apartment for the next 3-5 days, but thankfully I have a wonderful boss who is putting me up for the next few days until I can get back in.

So that's it for now. . .I'll be in touch with more info as I have it.


Anonymous said...

Ok, how come you didn't let ME know you were going to be in town for Thanksgiving? You could've seen the newest member of our family!!! (you know, me in Emporia) It's not every day that you'll be able to visit! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't go back in there until you absolutely have to & then don't stay long....give them a chance to fix it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Valley girl. Will your free rent landlords on the plains get to see the girl.....unless we come to Pullman?( which we will this winter anyway)
I don't get to make meat & potatos' enough...Beth & Mom
want fish,clams & green garbage & then get snooty
when I make hash etc...Besides
I think there will be much wedding talk. L

Anonymous said... least we can see what KU will be.That Cal Game gave a big hint. The four Frosh played OK together for five minutes and put up twenty points. Nobody's gonna want to play them by years end. Send us your lease...lets see the options. L&P

Jumping Jayhawk said...

Hey former-Dunky! I would have loved to see you over Thanksgiving, but I was in Hutchinson for only about 24 hours and in Lawrence/KC for about 24 hours. The beauty of starting a new job is no vacation time for a year! Christmas will be more of the same. . .fly down on Saturday and back on Monday.

As for the apartment. . .I think it's finally dry! They are tacking down the carpet today, so I'm going to try to start getting things back in order tonight and then move back in tomorrow. There is a LOT of work to do!