Thursday, October 20, 2005

My how time flies. . .

So, I was looking at my blog the other day and realized, I haven't posted in awhile. Since I don't want people to think I've dropped off the face of the earth, I figured I should pass on some more info about my ever exciting life.

Work is continuing to go well, busy but well. I still love working here and love my co-workers. And heck, I'm even helping some people get better! My boss talked to me last week to kind of comment on my first 3 months here. He said that I was doing a great job, am very personable with my patients, and he had no doubt that I was going to be a great therapist. Inside I said a silent "yippee!". See, the thing is that when you graduate from school and get into the real world, you pretty much feel like a complete idiot that knows nothing. I still feel like I know very little, but the little that I do know seems to be helping people. Don't get me wrong, there are some patients that you are just like "I have no idea what's going on here and have tried everything, but nothing is working!" But then the guys remind me that they have moments like that too, and they are a great resource when the wheels in my brain get stuck in the mud. I LOVE working with people, and everyday is another adventure.

Aside from work. . . The Boy had his birthday last week and we got to celebrate with Scorbin! It was way fun to get to spend time with her again, although she had to hang by herself for a whole day since I had to work. We went down to Oregon last Saturday, spent some time in Joseph which is a pretty little mountain town. I got a way cool scarf, and met a guy who's dad played for Phog Allen, and another guy who was a KU grad. We took a short hike in the Wallowa mountains, overlooking Wallowa Lake, which is absolutely beautiful. There is an "air gondola" ride that gives people a view of the mountains, but it had already shut down for the winter season. Add in eating salmon a couple of times, and making a trip to Spokane, and you get a fun weekend with an old friend. We also had cake, and you can't go wrong with cake. Especially cake that's chocolate with vanilla cheesecake filling and cream cheese frosting. Mmmm. . .

And more on the note of exciting news. . .the boy is giving me my best birthday present ever! He got us tickets to see the Bulls play the Supersonics in Seattle in November. I'll get to see Nick Collison and Kirk Hinrich play again!!! I am all ready to make a huge sign that says "we love you Nick and Kirk!" with a big Jayhawk on it. I'm hoping to get some autographs, and maybe a picture with them too! Keep checking here for updates from my birthday trip.

Excited for my birthday. Excited for Thanksgiving and Grandma's yummy food. So much to look forward to!


Anonymous said...

WooHoo!! Now I can post comments on your blog! Holla!! I'm so envious you get to go see two boys I adore that came outta KU basketball. Get pics and post them so I can sigh and wish I was there okay? Love ya sweets!! -B

Anonymous said...

Read the comments on the boys' blog following yours. I couldn't resist telling the world what his bolg really was about. Lynn & Pam