Friday, September 30, 2005

We finally get some rain!

So I thought that western Kansas was one of the driest places in the US . . . and then I moved to eastern Washington. I think it's only rained about 3-4 days since I moved here the first week of July. It was nice and refreshing. . .though I think the icky weather caused a few of my cancellations and no-shows at the clinic today.

Things are continuing to roll right along here. I have one more week of full time in the clinic before I go to my new permanent schedule of hospital and home health in the morning and clinic in the afternoon. It's kind of crazy trying to adjust schedules and have patients come at a different time than they're used to coming, but I'm sure it will all work out soon. Hopefully we will be bringing on another therapist soon, which will help with the large patient load that we are carrying now.

As far as non-work life, I'm going to take in a showing of Chicago at the Lewiston Civic Theatre tomorrow night, and the b-friend is graciously coming with me. We're going to meet up with a couple of girls from work and their husbands, so a good time should be had by all. I'm hoping to start playing volleyball soon. . .got to remember to call the lady in charge back. Scaborbin is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it, and hoping I can get someone to cover my weekend for me--otherwise I won't get to see much of her. :(

That's all for now. . . more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JJ. Your blog shouldn't be lonely. It's one of the few non nonsense
central plains-girl diary blogs in this crazy family....We figured the boys' reaction would be interesting.
The " happy dance"....The best part I heard was from Beth via mom where the description was P & B being two mildly "let's not stand to close together" dudes, talking to each other and saying over and over " something like "hey we're gonna be bro's dude". There was little restraint in Texas...and from what I heard of B's phone calls,the town crier did a good job of letting everyone know...Wasn't Nebraska sweet? D By the way you will love Ryan's signigicant other....genuine
nice and wicked bright...notice a pattern here with these bothers?