Saturday, September 09, 2006

Missing Seattle already. . .

So, as you've probably already read from Raoul's post, we returned from Seattle safe and sound. It was an absolute blast! Definitely a fun time with Trina and Karen. . .needed to hang out with them for a few days. They keep me laughing, sane, and having fun--we truly are the dynamic trio (phrase coined by Karen). We did a lot of "Seattle stuff"--the science center, experience music project, space needle, walked along the piers, pike's market. . .and we can't forget several stops for coffee. We also did some dress shopping and found some that are definitely up there on the list. The final decision will be made the weekend after Thanksgiving when my mom will meet up with us in Kansas City. I also exposed Karen to Ikea, and now I think she knows why I rave about it so much. Too bad that my entertainment center wasn't in stock when I went to get it on Monday, nor has it been back in stock since. Maybe someday I'll be able to get it and finish setting up my living room!

Work continues at a frenzied pace. Lots of people to see and it seems like less and less time to do it. There are several circluating rumors about the hospital on the Idaho side of the valley, doctors becoming unhappy with them, staff being laid off because there isn't enough work to do. . .and all of that seems to be flooding us over on the Washington side. Good for our business, difficult at times for us to maintain our sanity. Weekends are becoming less a 3-4 hour task and more often a full days work--this is bad for trying to plan anything outside of work, but good for bringing in more cash. I'm working next weekend, so that should help out with the seemingly endless plane tickets I'm purchasing.

Volleyball starts in a couple of weeks, so we're trying to find more players to fill out our team. I can't wait to get back onto the court again! I'm also keeping busy trying to organize the leftover piles of stuff that have accumulated in my office and bedroom. I hung up a few things on the walls, trying to get rid of the endless cream-colored expanse.

If I could have just one wish right now, I would wish away all of this horrible smoke! The fires around here continue to burn, and with the exception of Seattle, I haven't seen the clear sky in about a month. It makes it difficult to breath, and then Jaimee and I can't go walking outside. Also, several of my patients have had more problems, which can complicate their already present illnesses. What we need is rain, and lots of it!

Raoul and I start teaching high school sunday school tomorrow. . .should prove to be interesting. Other than that, things just keep ticking along. Looking forward to summer being over and fall weather setting in, checking out a high school football game or two, and finishing up my duplex.


Anonymous said...

Your'e settling in nicely. Just think about how many uncertain things have been resolved in the last year?
We are very very proud of the way you both have grown. All too soon you too will be celebrating thirty years & very likely from somewhere in the Northwest. FFIL

Anonymous said...

So publish already. At least send me a study on permissable excersize for transplant people...I still can't find anything but walking and bike riding. FFIL