Thursday, August 17, 2006

Quick Update!

I'm just posting a quick update (at the urging of an impatient future sis-in-law :) ) with a more in-depth post to come in a few days. Things at work have been crazy busy, so I haven't had much time to even think during the day. I've been kicking the exercise thing into high gear--Jaime and I have made a pact to stay after work for 30 min. M-Th and alternate between arms and legs for strength training and then doing abs each day. This adds in to the 3-4 times a week we either take our 5 mile walk or I do 60 min. of cardio at the gym. Now, if I can only stick to it!

Had an exciting evening with Benji winning So You Think You Can Dance. I really did like all four finalists. . .and as cheesy as it sounds I wish the tour was coming close by so I could see them. They really are fantastic at what they do. Now I'm addicted to Project Runway. . .there will always be more reality TV! Raoul and I watched track on TV last weekend and found out that the 2008 Olympic Trials are in Eugene, OR. We're definitely going to try to get tickets to go! I mean, really, 2 days of amazing athletes competing in one of my favorite sports. . .awesome!

The duplex is slowly coming along. They're installing new carpet in as I'm typing this so I'll finally be able to get all of my furniture back into where it goes. Then the organizing can begin. We also hung blinds this weekend, so we only have the new curtain rod/curtains to go. That will be done this weekend after Raoul and I check out the Lentil Festival in Pullman. Keep checking for more details on that experience. . .it should be interesting.

One final thing, for those who haven't checked Raoul's blog, the wedding date is set. June 9, 2007 at Danforth Chapel in Lawrence, KS. More details to follow as I find time to try to keep planning.


Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm so happy it's gunna be in Kansas! I'm excited to see you in your beautiful gown walking down the aisle. It's been too long since we've even seen each other.

I'm definitly keeping your in my prayers during your planning. It can get so crazy wanting to include so many people close to you in the festivities. I found it best to keep it simple, but whatever you end up planning will be perfect for you two.

Congrats again!

former Dunkie

Anonymous said...

Future DIL
Reminder; Raoul can paint...sort of. FFIL