Monday, February 27, 2006

Why are girls so stupid and guys are so icky?

So, I know that I just posted yesterday, but my boyfriend insists that a blog is a place to post things that you just care to rant about for a bit. Here goes. . .

Girls drive me crazy! I have definitely had some good girl friends over the years, but I wouldn't call them girly girls if you know what I mean. They weren't caddy and petty and just downright mean. And hey, we all have our moments of insanity, but man. . .girls can be absolutely crazy. All of you who know we know that it drives me absolutely insane when girls become bridezilla. Once they are engaged, they are all of the sudden too good to spend time with people who are not married and morph into this clingy person who's entire worth is established by the fact that she is getting married. Yuck! It's so disgusting that it honestly makes me consider surpassing the wedding part and heading straight for the marraige whenever I get to that point. And girls become so mean about it too, because they then become so much better than their single counterparts and basically become completely self-absorbed because, afterall, shouldn't the world revolve around them? They are getting married after all.

Girls also have this tendency to confuse people profusely. One minute they say one thing and then turn right around and find the need to revisit the subject that had to be set aside for a certain time period. And, of course, if they can't handle a situation, then it's time to turn and run though they expect to have a secure place to come back to after their rant is over and they establish some sanity.

I do have to comment on the fact that I am indeed a girl, not a girly girl, but a girl nonetheless. I have my moments of temporary insanity just like everyone else. I do not however find it fulfilling to pick petty fights and put others down just so I can feel better about myself. And, as I have learned in the past, running from problems does not fix them, and you may not have a second chance. So yes, there are times that I have technically driven myself crazy. . . but hopefully not on a regular basis.

Some boys aren't much better, though. Over the past several weeks, I have discovered that there are a few patients in our clinic both middle-aged and teenagers that think it's fun to hit on their therapist. Some are just clueless and end up being very clingy, trying to show off their fabulous personalities. Others are just down-right disgusting with very inappropriate comments. I mean, really, I'm not saying that I am ugly, but I know that I am definitely not a "bombshell". My whole life I've avoiding being hit on because being the tall girl scares people. I'm a fairly conservative dresser--it's not like I wear mini skirts and hooker boots to work! So why, please tell me why, they insist on continuing this crazy cherade that they have no prayer of actually carrying out? I've honestly started thinking about buying a ring just to wear so that maybe they'll leave me alone. Any advice? I could just stop being a nice person. . .but that wouldn't be fair to my sweet elderly patients now would it?

That, is my rant. Take from it what you will and comment away!


Raoul The Destroyer said...

Nice! Good rant, honey! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know the relative % by sex...
but watching all this convinces me that logic and reason are rare. Still more uncommon is the inability to be unselfish, self interest on its own tends to produce the two states of existence you mention. R's M & D

Anonymous said...

yah for rants! Yes girl can be bad, but you know, we all have our points of craziness, I confess to my many in the past and probably many in the future... but yeah, I hate it when girls won't fess up to their nutty factor, then they are just being... well, you know ;-) Love the rants honey! love, -B